About Gerald

Gerald was created in 2015 in 10 year old me's attempt to make a sort of cute character for a comic. Eventually he became a repeating character in thank you cards, birthday cards, and other celebratory doodles for family. He was my little go-to card character until I posted his walk cycle on TikTok, and he went viral. It was amazing to know that people around the world got to see Gerald.

But he didn't take off until I started up my instagram page in 2022. I posted a 5-second reel of him dancing and now millions of people know his name! Now he can be shared as stickers and physical art for people everywhere to enjoy :)

About Me

As for myself, I've been drawing since before I can remember. It has always been my outlet, my hobby, and part of who I am. In school I always drew on the backs of worksheets, in the margins of papers, and all over my binders. So yes.. I was the art kid. I'm self-taught (unless you count YouTube) and it has been my dream to share my art with the world through animation, concept art, or some other imaginative career (maybe even social media??)

I had tried a few half-hearted accounts on YouTube and Twitch to no avail, but struck gold with TikTok during 2020. After a while though, I felt like it lost my personality. So I moved over to instagram and started back at 0, determined to make this account a true reflection of me and my art. Now I have found a wonderful community of artists and Gerald fans to share my art with, and I hope to spread joy to as many people as possible. <3